Thursday, March 26, 2009

It was YOU and ME against the world, YOU promised ME forever more

You know what is amazing to me? When people get married and promise through sickness and health, for better or worse, to love and cherish one another. Then the bad things happen, worse, sickness, poorer; those things happen. Its called life. They wouldnt be included in the vows if they wouldnt be a threat to your marriage. Marriage isnt easy. Its not meant to be. You learn to grow with the one you love. You dont leave when things get rough! You stick it out. You hang in there for the good bad ugly. You dont put a ring on someone's finger just to give up the first second or third time things get tough. You dont make a life with someone for 6 years just to walk away when you realize you miss being single. Seriously! That is not my problem. When WE (yes WE, I sure as shit didnt marry myself!) got married I meant all of those things. I meant it when I said I would be there through sickness and health, for richer or poorer, better or worse. Gosh, I didnt think it would be easy. And I surely had no intention to walk away at the first sign things got rough. If walking away is what you truely want then after marriage counseling, walk away. But just think that in the end its not just my life and your life you are destroying, its our two beautiful kid's lives that you are single handedly blowing to bits because you are a fool hearted man, a selfish man, an unhappy man who cant see the good through all the bad!
I have been struggling with this for the past 2 weeks. All you say is sorry, but you dont know what will make you happy. You know what? This isnt just about you. My heart has been more in this the past 6 years than yours has, and I am not sure what hurts most, the fact that I know that, or that I cant let go of someone who is pushing me away.
Just remember this, and I will say it again one day to you:
~It was U and ME against the world, and YOU promised ME FOREVER more!~
I am a honory woman who doesnt give in. I will not just hand you what you want. That would be extremely to easy for you and devastating for me. I will sit there in those marriage counseling classes with you and be honest. I do EXPECT the same thing from you. Dont sit there in lie to me to make yourself feel better.
I miss our love. I miss the way things were. The past. I miss cuddling in bed and waking up and watching you sleep. I would give ANYTHING to have that back again somehow. I will FIGHT tooth and nail for this to work. Fight until there is nothing left in me and my heart finally gives in to what your mouth is saying.


Crista said...

I think we are in the same boat except I've been in this boat for a few years now. It doesn't get better if you are the only one fighting, trust me. If we were not living in the middle of nowhere I would be filing the papers already and moving on with my life. I am sorry that you have to go through this too, it is frustrating and hard. My years of fighting is to the point of me giving up, what else is there to do when only one person is trying ya know? I wrote a blog on my myspace that is pretty much the same situation you are going through. Talk to me if you need to, I'm only down the street! :)